Inner Space Consultants

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Do you prefer an organized boss or an exploring boss?

The J (Judging as per MBTI terminology) Leader prefers a planned, organized and systematic way of doing things. They like to have things decided, do not usually like surprises and avoid last minute rushes. The P (Perceiving as per MBTI terminology) Leader is more spontaneous, casual, flexible and loves last minute pressures. The P leader likes to explore till the last minute, leaves the decision till the last minute, can adapt to last minute changes. The J Leader however would be very uncomfortable with last minute changes because he would have completed his task much before the deadline and would hate reinventing the wheel.

If a J Leader has to buy a shirt, he will go to his favourite store, look around, pick the shirt he likes, pays and carry the shirt back home. The P Leader on the contrary is not alright with exploring just one store. He will visit a few, try a few shirts, ask for a few more stores nearby and maybe visit them too.

Which Leader do you think would be better? The J who is planned, organized and systematic or the P who is exploring, experimentative and adaptable? If you are a J, you would probably say J or if you are a P, you would obviously choose P. To be able to answer correctly, maybe you need to know the Personality type of this Leader, not just the J or P, the combination with Extraversion/ Introversion, Sensing/ Intuition, Thinking/ Feeling. That is where it gets interesting but that story on some other day.

The interesting part is if when the boss is a J (let’s say High Judging), that is very organized, planned and systematic whereas the subordinate is a P (let’s say very high Perceiving) and thus very exploring, experimenting, last minute person. Imagine the plight of both, the boss and the subordinate. Boss wants to see the plan, finish the work a few days before the deadline and the subordinate is sifting through data, exploring. Where this would end is anybody’s guess. The resolution lies in awareness and accepting that people are different and thus accepting people the way they are and not expecting them to be your clones.

Neeraj Agarwal

Coach, Learner and Organization Integrator, over 30 years of experience in Organization Development Interventions, Coaching and Training. Strategic Consultant to prestigious clients in different industries. Worked with organizations who broke the conventional mold and grew at a phenomenal rate (KEI Industries, SG Cricket, Saru Silver to name a few).

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