Inner Space Consultants

Vision Or Daydreming

Is it a Vision or Daydreaming?

Is It Vision or Daydreaming?

In a board meeting:

Managing Director: “We will be three times our current size in three years and ten times our current size in seven years.”

Director 2: “How?”

Managing Director: “I haven’t thought about it.”

Director 2: “So why not four times or twenty times? How did we settle on three times or ten times?”

Managing Director (still searching for answers)

Does this scenario sound familiar? How often do we set ambitious targets without considering the steps required to achieve them—the actual plan? Recently, I heard another example where the goal was to become a “great place to work” in five years. How? No one had a clue. There was no plan around it, no discussion. The result of such vague visions is often predictable and is a no-brainer: they remain just that—visions without actionable plans.

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