Inner Space Consultants


The Leaders Who Shaped My Leadership

4.0 Board of Directors (Sanspareils Greenlands or SG Cricket Pvt Ltd)

It is with deep respect, admiration, and affection that I introduce four individuals who have significantly influenced my leadership style, both consciously and subconsciously. The #SG Board, led by #K.C.Anand (Managing Director) and supported by #T.N.Anand, #PuneetAnand, and #ParasAnand (CEO), has not only propelled SG to unparalleled heights but also transformed the #cricketindustry in #India and globally.

#SanspareilsGreenlands (#SGCricket) has a legacy that is both powerful and inspiring. Founded in 1931, the company is now run by its second and third generations. SG is not only the #marketleader in #cricketequipment but also a true pioneer in the field. The company has always embraced #innovation, investing heavily in #researchanddevelopment to stay ahead of competitors. Despite their success, the Directors and the organization remain humble, ethical, and grounded.

Over the years, SG has had many #cricketlegends associated with it, including #SunilGavaskar, #RahulDravid, #VirenderSehwag, #CheteshwarPujara, #SureshRaina, #HardikPandya, #KLRahul, and #RishabhPant. When I hear the Directors speak of these icons, it’s as though they are talking about family members. This genuine, heartfelt connection is likely the reason they have forged such strong, organic relationships with players and industry professionals, keeping the organization humble and solidly grounded.

Each of the four Directors brings a unique perspective to #TeamSG, adding value in their own distinct ways. Over the past 17 years of working closely with them, I have absorbed several lessons that have subconsciously shaped me into a better person and leader.

Key Insights and Leadership Lessons:

  • Stand by Your People: Always support your team and stand up for them when necessary. Never throw your people under the bus. When things go wrong, focus on finding solutions rather than assigning blame. I was deeply inspired by the Directors’ #peoplecentric approach when I first joined SG as a consultant 17 years ago.
  • Innovation is Key to Relevance: Knowledge will take you far, but innovation is what will ensure you remain relevant. If you don’t innovate, you risk becoming obsolete. SG’s rapid pace of innovation, particularly driven by Paras, is evident in the company’s operations. When you discuss these #innovations with him, you can see the pride and youthful energy in his eyes. Staying relevant through constant innovation is a key focus at SG.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Talking with #data is non-negotiable. While qualitative analysis is important, quantitative insights provide a solid foundation and lead to more informed conclusions. #KCAnand, one of the most data-driven Directors I have encountered, meticulously maintains detailed records. While SG’s #ERPsystem can provide data in an hour, KC can retrieve it in five minutes, thanks to his precision and attention to detail.
  • Respect Deadlines: Deadlines are sacrosanct. Once set, timelines and targets should not be changed lightly. Careful consideration should go into setting them, and once established, they must be honored. If you don’t believe me, try delaying one of TN’s shipments by just one day, and you’ll quickly learn how firmly he holds others to deadlines.
  • The Power of Hard Work: No matter how senior or renowned you become, hard work is irreplaceable. When your team sees you working hard, side by side with them, they will be inspired to do the same. I’ve witnessed Paras arrive at 10 AM every day and leave only after everyone else has gone, consistently working around 9 hours daily.
  • Balancing Micro and Macro Management: Both micro and macro-level management are important, depending on the situation. At times, a leader must dive deep into the details, while at other times, they must step back and manage from a broader perspective. #PuneetAnand excels at improving systems and processes through his meticulous attention to detail.

SG has invested significantly in its people, hiring the right talent for critical positions. The company operates with a clear vision and works relentlessly toward its goals. While individual heroes may emerge along the way, SG’s unprecedented success is primarily due to the team it has built over the years. Their commitment to #teamwork is reflected in their website,, and their email domain,

The word “Sanspareils” in #SanspareilsGreenlands is fitting for the Directors and people of SG. Their competence, passion, and drive are unparalleled. SG is a client I am truly proud of, respect, and hold dear, all at once.

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