Inner Space Consultants

Saru Silver Alloy

Silver Brazing Alloys

Saru Silver Alloy(Success Story)
Saru Silver is the largest manufacturer of Silver brazing alloys in India, exporting to over 60 countries. Our association with Saru started in 2013 and has grown ever since into a very fruitful and mutually beneficial relationship for both of us. It is a very stable ship run by its Director, Mr Abhishek Jain, who is techno-commercially very savvy and lifts the standards of the organization as and when required.

There are two very significant turning points in Saru during our association with them. Firstly, the organization used to work as one unit of production for its products, headed by one Production Manager. The organization decided to split this into three separate verticals by themselves, Strips, Wires and 0-5% plants. Each plant then got headed by its Plant Incharge, reporting into the overall Plant Head. This brought focus in these three streams and thus accountability got better, power got decentralized and the results improved significantly.

Secondly, the organization was headed by a very senior person under the Director. When he retired and decided to quit to spend time with the family, the company realigned and thought of future differently. Instead of hiring a replacement for the senior person who left, the organization distributed the power in the four Department Heads and elevated them to create higher ownership. A core team was thus formed of these four people who made all decisions related to their areas and reported into the Director. The results were phenomenal as the organization got very close knit, decisions were more democratic, people developed more ownership and the Director got freer with day to day operations. The company grew around 200% during this phase and has not been looking back thereafter.

Some of the very significant reasons for Saru’s growth of around 7 times in the last 11 years has been:
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Stable Manpower

The best part of Saru also is that it has a very stable manpower. Nobody from the key positions have left the organization in the last 5 years or so.
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Concern for Quality

As half of the produce from Saru goes out in the world market, it is but natural they are very quality conscious and have been upgrading themselves on a continuous basis.
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Close knit family

In Saru, almost everybody knows everybody. There is a higher level of bonding among people and they genuinely care for each other.
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Customer Centric

Saru’s approach is very customer centric and they take any complaint that comes, very seriously. They work on every feedback they receive and make it a point to take appropriate corrective and preventive actions.
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Free & Open Communication

There are no closed doors. People interact with each other seamlessly.
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Rule Conscious but Flexible

Saru is not rigid in its approach and is flexible in its dealing with all kinds of situations. There are policies but the management doesn’t work with blinkers. They are always open to discussions.
Our experience at Saru has been very enriching and there has been a lot of learning from its people and the management team. Some of the reasons for our success at Saru could be:
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Open and Adaptable Approach

In Saru, if a policy is harming any set of people, management was always willing to listen and adapt to the changes needed. There was no rigidity in approach.
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Collective Approach

Decisions are mostly taken by the core team and other functional teams collectively. No one person drives all decisions. All facts are laid bare on the table and discussed comprehensively. This leads to very high levels of ownership.
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No Hero Worshipping

Saru doesn’t worship heroes and focuses on team efforts which bears fruits as it keeps people together and focused on organizational goals rather than individual goals.
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High focus on Systems

Saru focuses on systems and processes and its mistake management is exemplary in that regard. When they have an issue, they fix systems or processes and not people.
The above makes our job easier as we focus on systems and work with teams to bring about changes in any organization. Saru has these assets and thus would continue to grow at a very significant pace in times to come as well.

Think Company. Think Team. Think “I”.
In that order.

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